Tag Archives: economic

The largest Puerto Rican government budget in a decade

https://www.elnuevodia.com/english/english/nota/thelargestbudgetinadecade-2576962 The largest budget in a decade The budget shows few measures seeking to promote a sustained economic improvement Saturday, June 20, 2020 – 10:21 AM By Ricardo Cortés Chico Governor Wanda Vázquez. (GFR Media) The economic depression Puerto Rico … Continue reading

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Cate Long, expert on Puerto Rico’s dysfunction, says PR government bureaucracy is one key problem holding PR back

This is well worth the time to listen to Cate Long in this podcast.  Many of her common sense ideas are similar to those as posted here.  In order for Puerto Rico to prosper, there must be a framework where it … Continue reading

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How Puerto Rico got into its current financial mess

https://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/biz-monday/article64452617.html How Puerto Rico got into its current financial mess BY JOHN McPHAUL Special to the Miami Herald March 06, 2016 02:00 PM   A man drinks a beer in a local bar as he watches Puerto Rico’s governor Alejandro … Continue reading

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Puerto Rico needs an IMF-style economic plan

  https://www.aei.org/publication/puerto-rico-needs-an-imf-style-economic-plan Desmond Lachman October 27, 2017 | Real Clear Markets Puerto Rico needs an IMF-style economic plan Economics, International Economics It would be an understatement to state that the hurricane-battered Puerto Rican economy is at serious risk of entering … Continue reading

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Report: Puerto Rico Exodus to Increase in the Next 2 Years

http://caribbeanbusiness.com/report-puerto-rico-exodus-to-increase-in-the-next-2-years Report: Puerto Rico Exodus to Increase in the Next 2 Years By Rosario Fajardo on October 30, 2017 SAN JUAN – A report by Hunter College’s Center for Puerto Rican Studies projects that outmigration from the island as a … Continue reading

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Puerto Rico tourism craters in wake of Hurricane Maria

http://caribbeanbusiness.com/puerto-rico-tourism-craters-in-wake-of-hurricane-maria Puerto Rico tourism craters in wake of Hurricane Maria By The Associated Press on October 24, 2017 SAN JUAN — The narrow blue cobblestone streets of Old San Juan are deserted. Cigar shops are boarded up. Boutiques in bright … Continue reading

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Exodus From a Historic Puerto Rican Town, With No End in Sight

Exodus From a Historic Puerto Rican Town, With No End in Sight By FRANCES ROBLES JULY 16, 2017 An abandoned furniture store in Lares, P.R. The town in the mountainous heart of the Caribbean island has lost more people to … Continue reading

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US to cut water monitoring because of Puerto Rico debt

When you don’t pay your bills, your services get cut off.   Things like this make Puerto Rico more like Venezuela.  Socialism is mistakenly thought of as “great” until the money runs out.  People are short-sighted, voting for politicians who promise … Continue reading

Posted in economic crisis, Puerto Rico > Venezuela > Socialism, Puerto Rico economic crisis, Puerto Rico politics and government | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Puerto Rico statehood push faces long odds

  Puerto Rico statehood push faces long odds Puerto Rico statehood push faces long odds By Rafael Bernal – 06/17/17 08:55 AM EDT 114   © Getty Images Puerto Rico’s government made a huge political gamble on mounting a credible … Continue reading

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Many Puerto Ricans crave statehood — but the timing couldn’t be worse

  http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article155313554.html June 09, 2017 2:09 PM Many Puerto Ricans crave statehood — but the timing couldn’t be worse By Jessica Campisi jcampisi@mcclatchydc.com WASHINGTON When Puerto Ricans vote Sunday on the political future for the U.S. territory, Gov. Ricardo Rosselló … Continue reading

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