Tag Archives: exemption

How Puerto Rico got into its current financial mess

https://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/biz-monday/article64452617.html How Puerto Rico got into its current financial mess BY JOHN McPHAUL Special to the Miami Herald March 06, 2016 02:00 PM   A man drinks a beer in a local bar as he watches Puerto Rico’s governor Alejandro … Continue reading

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Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy leaves US island facing hard times

https://www.yahoo.com/news/puerto-ricos-bankruptcy-leaves-us-island-facing-hard-020039188.html Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy leaves US island facing hard times Elodie CUZIN AFPJune 6, 2017 View photos People walk past murals protesting the state of the economy in San Juan, Puerto Rico, as the former Spanish colony of 3.5 million, … Continue reading

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Puerto Rico now exempt from Obamacare

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-07-20/white-house-quietly-exempts-45-million-people-5-territories-obamacare?page=1 White House ‘Quietly’ Exempts 4.5 Million People In 5 “Territories” From Obamacare Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/20/2014 21:52 As WSJ reports, last week’s geopolitical chaos and distraction was ideal for a news dump, and the White House didn’t … Continue reading

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