Tag Archives: exodus

For Puerto Rico, the Return to Business as Usual Is Slow

  It’s sad for Puerto Rico.   With no power for extended time periods like 6 months, it’s extremely difficult to successfully run a business in a modern economy.  With less economic activity, fewer jobs available, this causes more people to … Continue reading

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Exodus from Puerto Rico grows as island struggles to rebound from Hurricane Maria

https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/exodus-from-puerto-rico-grows-as-island-struggles-to-rebound-from-hurricane-maria/2018/03/06/b2fcb996-16c3-11e8-92c9-376b4fe57ff7_story.html Exodus from Puerto Rico grows as island struggles to rebound from Hurricane Maria by Arelis R. Hernández by Arelis R. Hernández Email the author National March 6 Email the author A neighborhood in Cayey, Puerto Rico, remains without power … Continue reading

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Here’s how an obscure tax change sank Puerto Rico’s economy

https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/26/heres-how-an-obscure-tax-change-sank-puerto-ricos-economy.html Here’s how an obscure tax change sank Puerto Rico’s economy Even before a devastating hurricane brought Puerto Rico to a near standstill, the government there was struggling with an economy in shambles and a default on billions of dollars … Continue reading

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Report: Puerto Rico Exodus to Increase in the Next 2 Years

http://caribbeanbusiness.com/report-puerto-rico-exodus-to-increase-in-the-next-2-years Report: Puerto Rico Exodus to Increase in the Next 2 Years By Rosario Fajardo on October 30, 2017 SAN JUAN – A report by Hunter College’s Center for Puerto Rican Studies projects that outmigration from the island as a … Continue reading

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More than 73,000 Puerto Ricans flee for Florida after Hurricane Maria

https://www.yahoo.com/news/more-73-000-puerto-ricans-flee-florida-hurricane-045107314.html More than 73,000 Puerto Ricans flee for Florida after Hurricane Maria AFP October 26, 2017 The situation in Puerto Rico is still precarious, with around 75 percent of the population without electricity and clean water scarce in many areas … Continue reading

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84 Percent of Puerto Rico Still Doesn’t Have Power

84 Percent of Puerto Rico Still Doesn’t Have Power By CHRISTINA CARONOCT. 10, 2017 Hurricane damage in eastern Puerto Rico on Sept. 30. The island’s recovery is plodding along. Credit Kirsten Luce for The New York Times It has been … Continue reading

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For Many on Puerto Rico, the Most Coveted Item is a Plane Ticket Out – Exodus to the states after Hurricane Maria

For Many on Puerto Rico, the Most Coveted Item is a Plane Ticket Out Leer en español By JACK HEALY and LUIS FERRÉ-SADURNÍOCT. 5, 2017 241 Juan R. Delgado Torres of Caguas, P.R. waited on Wednesday for a flight to … Continue reading

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Exodus From a Historic Puerto Rican Town, With No End in Sight

Exodus From a Historic Puerto Rican Town, With No End in Sight By FRANCES ROBLES JULY 16, 2017 An abandoned furniture store in Lares, P.R. The town in the mountainous heart of the Caribbean island has lost more people to … Continue reading

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Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy leaves US island facing hard times

https://www.yahoo.com/news/puerto-ricos-bankruptcy-leaves-us-island-facing-hard-020039188.html Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy leaves US island facing hard times Elodie CUZIN AFPJune 6, 2017 View photos People walk past murals protesting the state of the economy in San Juan, Puerto Rico, as the former Spanish colony of 3.5 million, … Continue reading

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Puerto Rico’s Exodus Is Speeding the Island’s Economic Collapse

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-06-02/-i-had-to-choose-for-my-family-thousands-fleeing-puerto-rico Puerto Rico’s Exodus Is Speeding the Island’s Economic Collapse by Jonathan Levin @JonathanJLevinMore stories by Jonathan Levin and Rebecca Spalding @rcurtisspaldingMore stories by Rebecca Spalding ‎June‎ ‎2‎, ‎2017‎ ‎6‎:‎00‎ ‎AM‎ ‎-04 Exodus from island means economic resurgence will be … Continue reading

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